Welcome to my blog

* Simple living and high thinking is the best lifestyle *

Spend less than you earn; today's saving is tomorrow's earning *

Listen more and talk less *

* Read more books, watch television less *

* Be silent for at least 15 to 30 minutes a day; watch the silence within *

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Do now.....Act now.....

Once one old man aged 99 years was planting a plant.

Another person told,
*"By the time this tree starts giving fruits you won't be there to eat it, so why you are planting a plant."*

That old man told:
*If my Grandfather also thought like you then I would not have enjoyed the fruits.*

Whatever we are enjoying now is the work and effort of our grandfather and father.

What we do now will affect our future generations.

We are lucky and blessed generation.....

Are we giving good things and blessing our next generation.....!?

If not now then when.....!?

Do now.....Act now.....

*Let us give a wonderful and beautiful world and nature to our future generations*

πŸ™  *Sarve Jana Sukinobavanthu* πŸ™

Monday, March 26, 2018

No one is *Useless*.....They are *Used less*"

Every seed promises a *Huge Forest*,
If sowed in *Fertile Soil* not in Dessert

Monday, January 9, 2017

Spiritual Truth

πŸŒΏπŸ™ || *Spiritual Truth* ||πŸ™πŸŒΏ

If you hurt anyone

*Knowingly or unknowingly*

*Intentionally or unintentionally*

Whatever it may be,

🌿 *You have to face the consequences of that KARMA and cannot escape.* 🌿

🌿 *Be Good, Do Good and See Good.* 🌿

🌿 *Definitely only Good will come to you.* 🌿

🌿 *Be a HUMAN BEING and trust HUMANITY* 🌿

🌿 Believe in *GOD* who believes in you. 🌿

Praveen Narasimhaswamy